Atlanta To Do

What am I supposed to do today?” is an often asked question. If you use a good planning and have a clear overview of your tasks, this should be a redundant question. At work you get a lot of information to process and tasks that are assigned to you. A good planning and a clear overview are neccesary to be able to process all this information and tasks in the right way. Making such a planning requires a lot of practice and self-knowledge. Chances are slim you'll get the hang of this right away. Of course you can make it easier for yourself. Find some tips here!

Why planning and creating an overview?

  • By making a planning you ensure a better balance between time for work and your own free time.
  • You decide what to do. You are your own boss!
  • You get to know yourself better. (What's my working pace? What are my capabilities?)
  • By using a planning you create regularity. This provides routine and peace of mind.
  • You set concrete goals, this leads to better results.
With these simple steps, the new Atlanta To Do booklets help you to create a clear overview! Watch this video:

Tips for using your To Do

  • Keep your To Do-booklet at a clear location where you walk by very often. That's how you don't forget the fill in the form.
  • Use the lines on the left page of the booklet to make notes, it helps you to clarify your actions and determine your priorities!
  • Use pens and markers in different colors when you fill in the booklet. This way you keep a clear overview of which task belongs to which note.
  • Plan ahead! Do you already know your tasks for next week? Put these already on your list! This again provides structure and overview for you.
  • Create structure. Did you complete a task? Then mark it immediately as done before you go ahead to your next tasks. You don't have to think about that anymore!

Lower Your Ecological Footprint!

Do you want to plan your activities in a sustainable way? The Atlanta To Do booklets are fully made of recycled FSC®-certified paper and cardboard. Due to the enormous progress of this paper and cardboard in recent years, you no longer have to compromise on quality, performance and appearance! You also do your share for the environment when you use these booklets. Wood and paper store CO2. By using recycled paper the CO2 stays in the paper and isn't released. During the recycling process, the paper is mixed with water and contaminants and ink are removed from the paper. Did you know that paper can be recycled upto 7 times! In the factories that use recycled paper, less energy, water and chemicals are wasted. So lower your ecological footprint with Atlanta To Do!